Red Dog

Red Dog

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Wow, this has been an interesting weekend at my house! Thursday evening, a pretty little black and white terrier mix showed up at our doorstep. Her name was Maggie and she was gorgeous! Of course she tried to take me out when I sniffed her, but I'm used to that with my current housemate Riley Sue. What is it about females that they don't like a male checking them out? Sheesh.

Anyway, she stayed overnight in the back yard, and Mom found her Mom the next morning so she could go home. The thing is, rescue is important, and not just for dogs. Maggie was lost. She had been a pound puppy like me- and she was so new to her house that she didn't remember where she lived. So she was really scared and nervous. Mom and my Aunt Allison fed her, gave her water, walked her around the neighborhood, and brought her back home.They had compassion on her.

People need that too, you know. We had a guest this weekend, and she really loves to pet me. (I love that too). I think she needed me- and I needed her too. I love to give people my encouragement. I've heard it lowers their blood pressure to pet dogs or cats. Me, I'd rather chase cats, but that's just me. :)

Rescue is about action, not about talk. That Maggie could have been run over by a car or lost and picked up by the dog catcher. She was rescued by my family because they love dogs. Rescuing people requires action too- making friends, getting to know them (you don't have to sniff anything, you just have to show compassion). So love people and be a rescuer!

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