Red Dog

Red Dog

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dog Fights

Yesterday a couple of dogs got loose in our neighborhood and had everyone all riled up. There was a lot of barking and snarling all over the block. RileySue and I were just excited, as we thought maybe one of them was going to come and play. No such luck. Mom couldn't even catch Keisha the malamute so we could say hello.

Later in the evening, our friend Tom came over with Franklin, a Boston Terrier mix. He's so cute. Chunky and stout, all black and fearless. RileySue was going to chomp him. She's three times his size, but for some reason she thought he was a threat. You could tell she was about to take him out, so Mom had her put outside. It's that watchful eye she has to make sure no one gets hurt. She doesn't allow dog fights in her territory.

You humans shouldn't allow dogfights either. I heard one on the television last night that was pretty pointless. A bunch of people standing at podiums while barking and snarling at each other. They all said their plan was the best for our nation, but no one really said anything. It was more of a personality barkfest. My mom would have shut them up and sent them outside.

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