Red Dog

Red Dog

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heads up

Hi, all. This is just a heads up to let you all know that I haven't been feeling very well lately. Mom's been beside herself worried, and Dad has barred me from the house at night. Why? I had some ummm...issues...Geez. Sorry about that. Mom sneaks me in the house in the morning after she feeds me, then lets me out before Dad gets up. She's cool like that. I'm 115 in dog years, according to Dr. Erickson. I'm blind in one eye and my back legs have pretty much stopped working right. Mom took me on a walk yesterday and I fell- had a heck of a time getting up again and it hurt like crazy. It's hell getting old, let me tell ya. Needless to day, I don't know what's going to happen. I eat good, Mom says that's a good thing. And I sitll love those snacks! She really tries, and I know she loves me. Dad does too, because he scratches my head when I do get to come in for my evening treat. I just think they're both a little traumatized by my condition. So if you don't hear from me in a while, that's what's happening. Mom will let you all know if anything happens to me. I just want you all to know, your love and support has meant everything to me. Those virtual hugs are awesome! I love you guys!

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