Red Dog

Red Dog

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cool People

Wow, Mom sometimes forgets me in her run for the computer. Finally she is letting me talk!
Sure wish I had fingers so I could do this myself...

Mom is working on a book about a former drug trafficker. He writes the chapters and she tweaks them, as well as adds parts here and there. I was reading over her shoulder the other day and came across this statement:

"The flower of recidivism blooms with the inability to better oneself with education that can be found in a library." (c)2012 Robert L. Wilhelm, "BobbyConvict"

Pretty profound, coming from a former drug guy. I wonder what would happen if all the people in prison would choose to actually set foot in a library and start reading. Some of them can't read, which is really sad, but they tend to not ask a human to help them. I can sort of read when the light is good, and I'm just a dog. 9When I have treats, of course). Point is, they could have help if they really wanted it.

Recidivism is the "revolving door" to crime and punishment. So often when criminals are let out they end up back in the joint. But that is not what could happen with education and the ability to read. Libraries are awesome things. Sometimes Mom reads to me. And I love that. Just the sound of her voice makes me happy. Most criminals never got that, by the way, even from their moms and dads. I can hardly wait to see how much influence this big deal drug guy will have to help other inmates and ex-cons who have no idea that the path to freedom is found in books.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spoon-fed politics

You know, humans have perception problems. They don't think clearly like dogs. They get all wrapped up in "rationalizing" so end up in a big pile of mud. And I think the media is feeding that false perception to you humans on a daily basis.

Take the current bunch of political primaries and caucuses, for example. There are those whose brain tells them that Romney is the only one to beat Obama. Grrrr. Makes me want to snarl. The humans in America need to take a close hard look at the candidates before coming to that sort of conclusion. Just because he looks like he just got out of the dog groomers does not mean he's got the same values as the rest of America. And values, my human friends, are the bottom line issue for any of the candidates.

Newt is rough around the edges, but who isn't? At least he understands what you humans are going through and occasionally leaks some tears. That's good. And Santorum has similar values to many Americans and has been through difficult personal trials- another good thing. If they can't relate to you as humans, they shouldn't be President.

In the dog world, there are pack leaders. They are leaders who make the rules and enforce those rules with their "energy." If they are cruel, the Bible says they are "wicked." A pack leader must have the inner strength born from personal experience, the common values, the pack mentality that makes everyone else balanced and free of influences by outside dogs. I don't think Mitt can do that. The whole thing makes me want to hide behind the couch.