Red Dog

Red Dog

Monday, December 24, 2012

White Christmas

Yes, my Aunt Dana showed up ysterday complete with reindeer ears. I just love her. She's fun. I was hoping she'd be able to bring Dutch and Bella this year, but she's gotta get back home this evening. I woke up this morning to a bunch of snow on the ground. Wow. Christmas with snow- gotta love it. I get to roll around, stuff my nose in it, lay on my back in it...what a fun day it's going to be. And Micah's coming this afternoon too! I'm so excited. Christmas means lots of AND tomorrow! Me, I love Christmas. Lots of people, lots of food, lots of craziness. Not sure the humans think that's all fun and games, but I do. I feel like snow is a sign of peace- the Bible says it comes from God's treasury of snow for a time of war and trouble.The whole earth has a lot of trouble right now, from what I gather from my human friends. The snow is a reminder that peace from Jesus is available in the midst of that battle. So I love a nice white Christmas- a great reminder of God's love for everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Holiday Miracle

The last few days I've felt awful. I mean, like hardly moving and losing my dinner awful. I just got a grooming, and looked gorgeous when suddenly I felt like death warmed over. I was really afraid I was going to kick the doghouse before Christmas. Then yesterday something switched. My mom's friend swears he didn't pray for me, but I abruptly got perky again. Like a light switch Somebody flicked. I even felt like eating again...although I prefer that my food be warmed now. Poor Mom puts the canned dog food in a bowl in the microwave for me. And I feel like eating again. I even charged up the back porch instead of hobbled. No more old weak dog for me! But I do think Mom and Dad should be prepared, and all of you as well. I am almost 13 as of this month, and as a Great Pyrenees/Golden mix I've lived long past my time. Mom takes great care of me. She loves me, and so does Dad (of course he teases me a lot. Wish I could start speaking English so he'd stop). At any rate, I'm doing much better now. Woof woof!