Red Dog

Red Dog

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

End of the Road

This will be the last entry to Red's Blog. We are having him put to sleep Friday morning at 830am. Thank you to all who have so sweetly followed him for the last few years. At 115 in dog years, he has lived well past the two years they told me he'd live when we rescued him from Spokanimal Care in Spokane, Washington in 2006. He has been a real "trooper."

I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but here I am writing through tears dribbling down my face. I will deeply miss him. He has been the best pound puppy we've ever had.

Lately he has been bleeding profusely from his nose. I suspect an organ has failed. I've tried to clean him up, but then he just starts bleeding again. He has an eye infection in his blind eye, he has diabetes and his back legs don't work right. We can't let him suffer anymore. He never complains, but we understand that his body has given out.

As a friend, he is unmatched. I gave anthropormorphic (ascribed humanity)qualities to him in "The Dog Paw Chronicles" and let him comment on my life throughout the book. When and if we get a new dog, I hope he will be as astute and fun as Red Dog has been. I hope that you will read the book and remember our Red Dog. His legacy of doggy wisdom is precious. Thank you again for your love of dogs in general. Please always remember that "Dog" is "God" spelled backwards!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Value of a Life

My Mom has started reading a blog written by a military dog trainer/handler named Kevin Hanrahan. He writes about the dog and people heroes that work hard to save the lives of Americans. I say woof woof to those dogs and their handlers. They are awesome!

But this morning's story made Mom cry. One of the dogs was killed along with his handler by an IED. Thinking about that made her sad. It makes me sad too. Mostly because there are a lot of humans out there who don't know the value of life.

When a dog kills someone you can guarantee it's the owner's fault. A lazy owner, an evil owner will ruin a perfectly good animal. We dogs aren't inherently evil, but owners can be. Kevin's dogs are all powerful, well-trained animals. One of the handlers in Kevin's blog has a grey wolf named Bony. He's a handsome dog. (Mom says she once owned a wolf mix named Leushen. I came to live with them after he passed on).Sorry, got distracted. grrrrrrr.

Back to Kevin's blog. He tells the personal stories of people who value the lives of others, including dogs. And the dogs go to great lengths to save human lives. They'll take bullets to protect their owners. Just like soldiers give their lives to protect others.

What I don't understand is why so many humans don't care. Why do they abort babies, blow people up or chop their heads off? Why don't they value life itself just because it's life? Babies or every species are precious. Mom can tear up watching an eagle fly, or listening to the birds in the yard, or seeing human suffering on TV. Just because it's life. Life has meaning and purpose, and it is precious. And her love for life is her strength. Loving life is priceless. I know. She rescued me from a shelter. I know how valuable life is. Do you see the value of life? If so, please leave a comment on the blog post at

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love and Marriage

My doggy friends Dutch and Bella are here for their Mom and Dad's wedding this weekend. I do love having them drop by, even though Dutch the beagle is a food thief.

I have some thoughts on marriage today. I watch a lot of people come to our house and even when they drop by the neighbors. One of the most lovely things is when even older people hold paws (I mean hands, sorry). There is something about showing intimacy with each other that warms my heart.

I also note that some couples grow apart. There's still obvious love there, but they stop touching each other.That's very sad. It's like petting your dog- if you stop doing it, it means something.You've grown tired of their faithfulness, their unconditional love. You want another dog. A new one. Something better. That's not the way it should be. Love should be rekindled all the time. If it isn't, eventually it will fade away.

All my love to Dana and Chris, and thanks for not stopping those pets. It's a joy to see people love each other...and all the dogs in their lives too!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heads up

Hi, all. This is just a heads up to let you all know that I haven't been feeling very well lately. Mom's been beside herself worried, and Dad has barred me from the house at night. Why? I had some ummm...issues...Geez. Sorry about that. Mom sneaks me in the house in the morning after she feeds me, then lets me out before Dad gets up. She's cool like that. I'm 115 in dog years, according to Dr. Erickson. I'm blind in one eye and my back legs have pretty much stopped working right. Mom took me on a walk yesterday and I fell- had a heck of a time getting up again and it hurt like crazy. It's hell getting old, let me tell ya. Needless to day, I don't know what's going to happen. I eat good, Mom says that's a good thing. And I sitll love those snacks! She really tries, and I know she loves me. Dad does too, because he scratches my head when I do get to come in for my evening treat. I just think they're both a little traumatized by my condition. So if you don't hear from me in a while, that's what's happening. Mom will let you all know if anything happens to me. I just want you all to know, your love and support has meant everything to me. Those virtual hugs are awesome! I love you guys!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Well, tomorrow I have to go to the vet for my annual poking and pills. I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. Since last year, I've grown nearly completely blind in one eye, and my back legs don't work so good anymore. Mom has been really worried. I'm still eating good, though, and that gives her hope. Yesterday she shaved off some hair, brushed my coat, and scrubbed me with that waterless soapy stuff. Since it involved scratching my butt, I loved it. You know, at just over 13 yrs old, time is not on my side. I'm really not worried about it because I've lived WAY past what the docs told her I'd live. And my adopted parents have been good to me. I get lots of loving and treats, and friends. And all of you that love my blog, well, you're just precious! Mom won't put me down tomorrow, she's assured me of that. I'm still pretty spunky in spite of the fact that I can't see the back steps very well. It does make me think about my mortality, though. Do you ever think about it? It's a worthwhile thing to do, and a reminder that there's more life after we're done here on earth. I'm looking forward to being able to see again, and not have to be trimmed, poked, or medicated. What are you looking forward to?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bella, Dragonslayer

My friends Bella (Golden Retriever) and Dutch (Beagle) came to visit a couple of weeks ago. They're cool. Ok, they wear me out a little (I'm 13 years old, for crying out loud), but they do keep me hoppin'.And I get lots of extra treats when they're here because Auntie Dana is as big a schmooze as Dad. I love that. :)
While they were here, Bella decided to rip apart a stuffed dragon. OMG there were pieces of stuffing all over the living room floor. I thought Mom would throw a fit, but she only made a couple of smart alec remarks and walked away. She said something about it being a fitting sermon.
Apparently "Bel and the Dragon" is one of the books of the Apochrypha (noncanonical part of the Bible).It's about some dude who fights the dragon and wins the battle. I think Bella won this battle too. The stuffed dragon went in the garbage when the humans cleaned up later. It's kind of like all humans need to take out the trash, and a lot of the trash is from battles with the devil-dragon. No matter how fierce the battle, any leftovers should be trashed. All humans should do that, right?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Rest

My Aunt Dana brought Dutch and Bella to visit me this week. Dutch is a Beagle (a very loud, hyper Beagle), and Bella is a laid back Golden Retriever. Me, I'm just tired. I love my friends around, but they sort of wear me out. Does that ever happen to you? Do your friends ever wear you out and suck your energy like a big vacuum? They haven't tried to steal my hip hole under the rose bush in the back yard yet, but Dutch loves to steal my food. I have to eat it all up before Mom lets him back in the house or he'll hog the whole bowl down. Gluttonous little bugger. Very cute, though. Maybe it's because I'm an older dog that I get tired so fast. Dad took all 3 of us on a walk through the neighborhood yesterday. They was quite the sight. Too bad Mom didn't have her camera ready. Those two other dogs almost yanked Dad's arms out. Kinda funny, really. At any rate, let's talk about rest. Everyone needs it. But I'm not woofing about just sleepy/vacationy rest. I'm talking about peaceful rest in your heart. Even though my doggy friends suck my energy, I have lots of peace and I know that they are good dogs. And my Mom and Dad love me. Mom takes excellent care of me, even at my age and with diabetes. I know that their love completes me. Just like God's love completes a human. When you know that He loves you, then you are safe now and in the future. Nothing can disturb your future, because Jesus already paid the price for anything you've done. So hang in there, all of you. Rest in the knowledge that you are loved.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dog Food and People Issues

So Mom was gone for a week, and Dad had to feed me and give me my insulin shots. Whoooeeee there is a difference! Mom doesn't stab me as hard as Dad. Dad gives me more food than Mom, but he gives me the ground stuff that looks like, well, dog food. Mom gives me meaty chunks with gravy. I really like it better when it looks like people food from the get-go. But keep in mind it's all the same thing. Dog food is dog food, regardless of what it looks like. And if they dribble a little people grease on it, that makes it palatable.
If I take that idea and make it relevant to you humans, let's see what happens. If a situation is ugly on its surface, people won't swallow it. For example, if your human government did things that were obviously evil, you wouldn't follow it, right? But if they make it look all spiffy and good, you'll just eat it up and not think anything about it. From what Mom says, they are covering up the truth with a bunch of gravy that makes their actions look good, but is really hiding a removal of your human rights. They tell you things and you believe them, but it's only because they have hidden their agendas under the guise of good. But it's not good. It's still dog food with gravy on it.
I'm a dog, folks. You can feed me dog food. But as humans, you shouldn't be buying or being fed the same thing I eat. You shouldn't believe everything that comes out of the mouths of your leaders -- because you will lose your privileges and rights very quickly. There are people who have plans to disarm, dismantle, pull apart the very fabric of your country's heritage. And they hide it in the name of "helping" you. Don't believe it. They're feeding you dog food.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fear and Aggression

Sorry I'm so far behind. Mom just can't seem to get time to help me write my blog. I'm going to have to plunk my fuzzy body on her feet until she lets me do some talking! I watched The Dog Whisperer last night with Mom. I love Cesar, he rocks! There was a dog on there who was so fearful all the time that he bit people, sometimes even in the face! Mom says there are a lot of people who would have put that poor little dog down because of his bad habit. But Cesar loves us dogs, and he worked on training the humans and fixing that dog. And it worked! He talked on the show about a fearful dog and how they act aggressively out of their fear. The principle works with humans too. Today in this country there are two political sides who do the exact same thing. One side is so fearful and confused about what America is that they create rules and ideas that cause fear in the other side. So both sides are aggressive, just like a dog with bad habits. It's instinct for dogs to have empathy about human energy- to feel and respond to people on that level. People aren't much different; you can see it when disasters happen that most humans are compassionate. But not when fear gets in the middle of the situation. Fear puts everyone on edge. The government is deliberately creating fear and aggression in the opposite side. I think they are doing it on purpose because they're afraid too. They don't understand their opponents, and they don't want to. It would be great if Cesar Millan would grab a couple of leashes, and snap! move their brains out of this fear thing so that they could all get along with some wisdom. Hey, Cesar, you up for that?

Friday, January 4, 2013

This little story was posted on FB this morning by a human friend. Mom tells me every day that she loves me, and this story made her cry. I know that she has lost numerous dogs over the years. I feel sad about that, but I'm so glad that there are humans like her that care about us dogs.I happen to know that humans like her are all over the place -- some of them right here following this blog. You're the best. I love it when you pet me, give me treats, and just let me participate in the pack. You're cool. Just wanted you to know it! Woof!