Red Dog

Red Dog

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter for Animals

Hi everyone. Since Easter weekend is about redemption and new life, I thought I'd give some of my insights. Animals look forward to a day of redemption too.

One of Mom's friends once looked at her Newfoundland and said "hey, this one would feed a whole village." Yikes! It's hard to imagine for Americans that many of the world's cultures once thought of "pet" dogs as food sources. Even the really skinny ones!

In America, whole causes are built around saving pets from euthanasia. But the fact remains that many of my cousins die in shelters. I know that being inside of a shelter is frightening. There are cats and dogs and stinky cages and a constant din of noise everywhere. While the people who run the shelter are usually very nice, there is an emptiness that comes over the dogs who come in there. I know because that's what happened to me.

My owners couldn't take me to their new home. I don't know why and I don't understand, but they dropped me off at the shelter and I never saw them again. I felt abandoned and lonely. It was like being dropped in the middle of prison with no preparation. And I was surrounded by strangers.

Then one day this couple came in with a big black Newfy. They specifically asked for me! They said they read about me on the internet and wanted to take me home with them. So the shelter lady came and took me out of the cage and walked me into the lobby area. No problem. I took one look at Mom and knew they were my friends for life.

She bent down and scratched my ears and ran her fingers through my fur...I knew this was my home forever. After a short walk with my new housemate "Zeke," the shelter folks let me go home with them. And I have been happy ever since. I know that I am loved!

Point is, that this is Easter weekend. Easter is about redemption and the giving of life. Jesus came to save people, and give them His love. Animals, too need salvation. Won't you think about adopting a shelter pet? There are so many who need love and caring people to save them from death. They would be so grateful!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is an excerpt from Mom's new book- with my comment at the end. I really am smart, but some people seem to think all I do is sleep. Ok, I do sleep a lot. Mom says I chose all the wrong places to snooze. Like the hip hole that I dug by the roses bush in the backyard. The dirt is soft and cool, and there's built in shade- what more could I ask? Well, dog treats of course.
Enjoy her excerpt!


Excerpt from "The Dog Paw Chronicles" by © D. Faye Higbee 2011 published by


His wobbly legs only held him up long enough to sway for a minute and then buckle. He fought his way back up on the narrow spindles. A black foal, freshly born, still wet from his mother’s birth canal. He was the tiniest package of miracle I had ever seen.

The little creature stumbled around his stall like a drunken sailor for several minutes until he finally got his “sea legs.” This funny little horse would one day bring audiences to their feet as he danced around an arena on his back legs. His black countenance would be transformed into white perfection, as the shaky past fell away into choreographed destiny. How fitting it was to see destiny play out in the Royal Lipizzan stallions. From the tears shed in a movie to tears shed in the stable in Vienna, that birth was a true miracle of redemption and destiny that I will never forget.

Comment by Red Dog:

Destiny is often created by miracles. By God’s hand the Lipizzan stallions were saved from annihilation. God saved your life, you saved my life. Our lives connect on a level far beyond what our eyes see. We don’t know, as we traverse this life, what lies beyond our present circumstances. But we are all destined for a purpose, whether to dance or to write. I hope that all the readers will find their portion of that destiny.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Right Way

Mom learned her lesson! Yes! We went out yesterday and a little dachshund from next door got loose. "Scooter" ran like a crazy fool straight for me, barking it's little head off all the way. Her Mom tried to catch her, but she was running in her sock feet and the pavement was cold and uneven. Not good for humans to run in their socks.

Anyway, Scooter was hot after me, so Mom made me sit. THIS time she didn't get nervous or do anything to freak me out. I sat and did nothing. Scooter's mom caught up to her when she realized I was 4 time bigger than she was. Tee hee. It was funny. She stopped in midbark and just stared at me.

Her mom tried to let me sniff her, but as soon as my nose went near her, she erupted and went crazy. She whined and growled and squirmed and tried to bite me. Not very social, that one. Point is, I didn't do ANYTHING wrong. Cool, huh? Mom got the message this time and just had me sit. It worked. The other dog got in trouble, but I didn't. I was totally calm.

It was fun. I hope your folks take you for a walk and are calm. It really helps!