Red Dog

Red Dog

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dog Food and People Issues

So Mom was gone for a week, and Dad had to feed me and give me my insulin shots. Whoooeeee there is a difference! Mom doesn't stab me as hard as Dad. Dad gives me more food than Mom, but he gives me the ground stuff that looks like, well, dog food. Mom gives me meaty chunks with gravy. I really like it better when it looks like people food from the get-go. But keep in mind it's all the same thing. Dog food is dog food, regardless of what it looks like. And if they dribble a little people grease on it, that makes it palatable.
If I take that idea and make it relevant to you humans, let's see what happens. If a situation is ugly on its surface, people won't swallow it. For example, if your human government did things that were obviously evil, you wouldn't follow it, right? But if they make it look all spiffy and good, you'll just eat it up and not think anything about it. From what Mom says, they are covering up the truth with a bunch of gravy that makes their actions look good, but is really hiding a removal of your human rights. They tell you things and you believe them, but it's only because they have hidden their agendas under the guise of good. But it's not good. It's still dog food with gravy on it.
I'm a dog, folks. You can feed me dog food. But as humans, you shouldn't be buying or being fed the same thing I eat. You shouldn't believe everything that comes out of the mouths of your leaders -- because you will lose your privileges and rights very quickly. There are people who have plans to disarm, dismantle, pull apart the very fabric of your country's heritage. And they hide it in the name of "helping" you. Don't believe it. They're feeding you dog food.

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