Red Dog

Red Dog

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day!

Ok, tomorrow is Resurrection Sunday, affectionately (or not so affectionately) known as "Easter."
I've noted that humans seem to be divided rigidly about whether it's ok to have bunnies, candy, and eggs on the holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ.
I am a dog with an opinion, so fasten your leash and here we go:

Chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and other assorted jelly bean thingies: they give people an overdose of sugar (kind of like Halloween).And kids always seem to be the targets of the cavity-makers. Of course I'm coming from the viewpoint that says I can't have sugar due to the diabetes, so I may be prejudiced on that point. So you can take that opinion with a grain of salt.

Colored eggs: honestly, "Easter eggs" are a tradition in the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic churches because they are considered ok to eat during the Lenten fast period. And frankly, I like them. Many countries have traditions of colored eggs that range from plain to ornate. Mostly they taste good and Mom and Dad are usually kind enough to give me one. (Minus the shell, of course), so I'm all about the eggs. Quit harping about those, they're ok in my book.

Yes, I know Jesus, by the way. He loves all of us creatures, and I think especially He likes dogs. (Dog is God spelled backwards, so hello...). Tomorrow is entirely about reconciliation- the cross is a place where humankind becomes united with God and even His Creation. All of a sudden all the barriers are taken down. Sure, "Easter" was probably a pagan word at first, but let's be blunt, most of the holidays celebrated by Christians once had a pagan bent. It's not about the history of the holiday, it's about Who you love and Who you serve when that holiday shows up.

And it's all about love- He sacrificed for you, you get the privilege of loving Him. Pretty cool, that Jesus. He's my favorite dog Lover.

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