Red Dog

Red Dog

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ex-offenders, Ex-bad dogs

(Hi, Tamara, thanks for the long distance hug)

Mom has some awesome friends. Sometimes they call her up and tell her to give me a hug and say hello. Sort of makes me feel "famous." I like it!

There haven't been any incidents lately, and things have been pretty quiet around the neighborhood. I appreciate that. All that barky barky stuff wears me out and I need to take a nap.

The other night we were watching Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) and he had a special episode about ex-gang members, some of which got out of prison. They all had dogs that needed some help. And of course, they needed help too...Cesar is good that way. Training people, rehabbing dogs.

While we were watching that show, it occurred to me that a lot of people have really cold hearts toward ex-offenders, AND dogs who don't know what to do. They just want them all gone or destroyed or back in prison. They simply don't realize that their thoughts are just plain evil.

You know, "recidivism" is the statistical thing about all the bad guys who end up back in the joint because they can't make it on the outside. Ok, there are some really bad people who just can't get it together. But there are a lot of folks who don't want to be bad, they just want to have a real life and have no clue how to get it. There are a lot of dogs who have no pack leader, and just act out of stupidity. They are the ones who need people like you to have patience, understanding, and can show them some discipline to keep moving forward in spite of their mistakes.

I'm so thankful I have my Mom and Dad who never give up on a dog, and are patient with people too. And I'm glad Cesar knows what he's doing- yay Cesar, way to go!!

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