Red Dog

Red Dog

Friday, May 4, 2012

Docs and Dogs

So I had my annual doggy checkup the other day, and wonder of wonders, the doctor was totally surprised at my health. I have cataracts and diabetes, but am doing really great! In fact he was shocked that I was something like 108 years old in people years. Cool, huh? Let's just say it all comes down to attitude. I try to stay in a good attitude. I don't get mad easily, I don't whimper and cry and whine about everything. I know that stuff will cause me stress, and I don't need stress. Even when Riley snaps at me, I stay calm. It helps a lot that she can't get her teeth past my nice thick fur, but even then I just keep it even. You know, people need to do that. They need to be calmer and not get all worked up about human things. Let's take being stressed, for an example. Mom has friends that get really stressed while working. They all get so stressed that they start getting cranky and abrupt with everyone. Then they accidentally hurt each other. Why bite someone when you can just relax? Stress is a sign that people don't trust God, you know. They get all worried about what's going to happen and they haven't laid it at the feet of the Lord. I love being a dog. I just lay down at His feet and snore away, with very few problems. Except when Dad or Mom step on me, of course. That's a definite owie!

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