Red Dog

Red Dog

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Who's a Hero?

I just stopped my Mom's desk this morning to say a couple of quick things to all of you. First, dogs can be awesome heroes. When a dog loves its owner, we love them passionately and completely, no holds barred. And that sets us up as defenders. And a defender is always a hero in my book. The same applies to humans. If a military person is a "defender," then they are heroes when they die in battle, or save someone's life in a war or a paramilitary group like police or fire. Mom heard some jerk on MSNBC the other night tell everyone on the TV that he wasn't "comfortable" saying that our troops were "heroes." That made me growl when she told me. That guy was way off base. Let's use my cousin dogs as an example: Brutis was a 7 yr old golden retriever when he snatched a coral snake before it had time to bite a toddler in 2004. Zoey, a little long-haired chihuahua snatched a 3 foot rattlesnake before it hurt her owner's one year old baby daughter. Then there was Katrina, a black labrador retriever, who rescued a guy from the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina. She got rescued later herself. Size never mattered to any of those hero dogs. Only the task at hand focused them. The troops of America save the nation every day. Because of their focus and vigilance, my mom and dad can live a life that is safe. I can protect them when i take a nap in front of the door in case anyone decides to try and enter the house. But the troops and the cops, they work hard at what they do. They makes them heroes too. So shame on that MSNBC guy, whoever the heck he was. Let's here a big howl for the people and dogs who defend us!

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