Red Dog

Red Dog

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finally- Mom helps me with the blog!

You know, this waiting around for Mom to help me do a blog is annoying.But I just don't have fingers to type with: she has to do it for me. She's been so busy lately that I was beginning to think she'd never get going on this again.

It's been cold here in North Idaho lately. Now, I have a warm fur coat, but sometimes the cold lulls me to sleep. When I'm so rummy when I wake up that
Mom has trouble getting my attention.

And speaking of attention, what's up with RileySue getting the meat treats every meal? Apparently she has to take a pill all the time now and Mom hides it in a piece of meat for her. Hey! What about me? She stabs me at meal time with those diabetic syringes. I say unfair! Give me the meat too!

I've tried stealing it, but Mom always stops me. Life is so wrong sometimes. I have a perfect garbage gut, and RileySue is an over-sensitive-gotta-throw-up-often kind of doggy. So she gets the meat. Humpf. Jeepers.

Good thing I love my Mom.

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