Red Dog

Red Dog

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Friends

One of the best things in my life is when I get to make new friends. Sure, I make some nervous when I run up and stick my nose in places that scare them, but that's because I know how to sniff out trouble.

But making new friends is one of the joys of living!

I've noticed that some people are skittish around new folks. I say, cut it out! Run toward the unknown, not away from it!

Let me use my neighbor's dog as an example. He is fearless because he's a puppy. Part shepherd and something else (maybe Rottweiler?), he's going to be a big guy when he grows up. So he intimidates people. But the first time I met him I wanted to play because I knew he was ok. Yes, we snarled a little, but it wasn't dangerous, it was playful. And we have had at least one romp together that was loads of fun! I know him now, and I know that he isn't a problem.

The only way you can make new friends is to get to know them. They may seem scary, but if you get to know them that can change. My Mom has a new friend that used to be a convict. She is writing a book about his life. He spent time in federal prison for drug trafficking and trying to run over a DEA agent. Was he bad? Yes. Is he evil? No. Does he need good friends? Absolutely. She has learned that he really is getting his life on to a good path. But most people would avoid him like a pit bull with foam on its mouth.

The only way to get new friends or help to change a life is to run forward in faith, not backwards in fear. A football team that only has good defense will never win the game because it's the offense that scores the points. So I say don't be afraid to meet new people and talk to others! You don't have to stick your nose on them like I do, but be friendly and see what happens. You'll be glad you did!

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