Red Dog

Red Dog

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Peace and Quiet

At last everyone has gone home and the house is quiet again. Mom has had company since June pretty much nonstop. She has been ok with it, but you could tell she was freaked out about the dirt that everyone tracked through the house. RileySue seemed a little stressed too. Then there was me- I LOVE company. I get more pets and my friend Jerome sneaks me pieces of meat from his plate. I really like that.

I heard the other day that people are all angry over a man in our area who shot a grizzly mother who was coming after his children. Is that a little weird? I'm a herding breed myself, and I'd defend my family so why can't he? I love my cousins of other species, but if you mess with my family, I'll bite you. (No, I'll take you out). It's sad that he had to do it, but when it comes to family or danger, I'll chose my family.

One of Mom's friends had a black bear come through his living room window one night and he had to shoot it. Now my Mom loves bears, but if one comes through the window, it's time to act because it means they're not thinking normally. Most bears avoid people- unless something is wrong or like the grizzly it had cubs.

Now since I wasn't there I don't know if the man over-reacted (humans do that a lot, I've noticed) or whether an attack was imminent. But since both humans and bear were defending their young, I'd have to go with the human on this one.

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